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Join us

If your organization would like to be member of NTA , Please submit following documents along with NTARegistration Form (Please Download from below) :

• Company Registration Certificate (Attested Copy )
– PAN Certificates(Attested Copy )
– Company Profile
– Survey License (Corporate Member)(Attested Copy )
– Work Profile on the area of Tunnelling and Underground Space Engineering (Associate Member) e.g. Equipment Supplier, Contractors etc.

Membership Forms

Individual Membership Form Download
Corporate Membership Form Download
Membership criteria and registration fee details Download

Membership Criteria

1. The Membership of the Society is open to Individuals, Institutions and Organisations
connected with or interested in the fields of tunnelling technology, rock mechanics,
engineering geology, mining and allied fields, and their practical applications.
2. The Society shall have the following categories of membership as per its Bidhan:
(A) Individual / Ordinary Member
(B) Institution / Corporate Member
(C) Associate Member
(D) Founder Member
(E) Honorary Member
3. Admission & Qualification for Membership will be open to Individuals / Institutions
engaged in activities consistent with the Aims of the Society. Different categories of the
membership and its associated requirement are as follows:
A. Individual / Ordinary Member: Individual member has Life member and member. The
minimum qualifications for individual membership shall be one of the following:
i. Degree in engineering or equivalent.
ii. Diploma in engineering with at least three years of experience in any of the fields (civil,
engineering geology, geotechnical engineering, mechanical, electrical, mining engineering
iii. A Masters’ Degree in Science or equivalent with two years of experience in any field
(civil, geology, engineering geology, geotechnical engineering, mechanical, electrical, mining
iv. A Bachelors’ Degree in Science with experience of at least 5 years in any of the fields
(civil, geology, engineering geology, geotechnical engineering, mechanical, electrical, mining
(v.) Persons having completed Apprentice course with seven or more years of experience.
(vi.) Individuals from Manufacturers, suppliers, sales representatives and others involved
with tunnelling technology or allied fields.
B. Institutional / Corporate Member: The Institution /corporate membership is open to all
Institutions connected with teaching, research and development work, design, consultancy
or construction work, manufacturers and suppliers of equipment, in the fields of tunnelling
technology or allied fields.
C. Associate Member: Interested persons having completed Apprentice course with seven or

more years experience will be considered under this membership category.

D. Founder Member: Those members of ad-hoc committee nominated during establishment
of NTA will automatically be under category of Founder member.
E. Honorary Member: Highly experienced and well known personalities in the field of
tunnelling and allied fields will be nominated by NTA under this category of Honorary
For individual/ ordinary membership, it is required to present evidence or proof of education
and experience with duly completed form provided by NTA.
For Institutional/ corporate membership, it is required to present evidence or proof of
education and experience with duly completed form provided by NTA along with an official
letter from the concerned institution/corporate office.
The application forms received will be reviewed and approved by NTA or its Committee and
the decision made on received application will be final. However, in case the membership
is refused to a person / institution the reason for refusal shall be intimated to the person